
Banking automation
revolutionizes KYC
and investigations

Improve speed and precision
in all operations

Increase operational efficiency by automating KYC processes, improving commercial document classification, and speeding up insurance claims investigations.

Counterfeit detection on 5$ US currency
Object detection on guy who using ATM when his face is covered with mask
a pen and a form on the table
Object detection on driving license

Accelerate Model Training from Weeks to Hours

Aipanthers works seamlessly with the most common labeling services and training systems.

Accelerate the Verification of Customer and Business Credentials

Automatically classify commercial documents and verify account ownership. Computer vision can replace the time-consuming task of scanning customer information and verifying their identity. It can even detect fraudulent documents and counterfeit currency.

Collect and Classify Images for Effective AI Training

Use your existing documents and photos to train sophisticated computer vision models. Whether it's applications, forms, IDs, contracts, checks, credit cards, or tax returns, you can effortlessly label this data with Aipanthers Annotate or outsource it to your favorite annotation provider.

Evolve and scale your model with continuous enhancements

AI Panthers allows you to seamlessly incorporate new data sources, fine-tune your models in real time, and improve performance as your datasets increase. Use advanced analytics to improve problem detection accuracy and streamline the model life cycle management process

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